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   日期:2023-05-18     浏览:34    评论:0    
核心提示:[00:10.29]O [00:11.39]object [00:14.69]n. [C]物,物体;宾语 [00:20.85]o'clock [00:22.79]adv. …点







[00:14.69]n. [C]物,物体;宾语


[00:22.79]adv. …点钟


[00:26.55]n. 十月


[00:29.78]prep. 属于…的;属于,关于;

[00:37.00]Well, as far as I know,

[00:39.22]tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.


[00:46.63]prep. 离开,脱离,adv. 离开;

[00:52.75]He got off and asked the woman what happened.


[01:00.25]v. 提供 n. 建议

[01:03.62]If your parents are having problems,

[01:07.09]you should offer to help.


[01:12.52]n. [C]办公室


[01:16.02]n. [C]军官;官员;警察


[01:23.84]adv. 经常


[01:27.44]n. 油


[01:30.63]adv.& interj. 对,好,不错


[01:36.94]adj. 年老的;旧的;古老的

[01:43.17]Amy thinks it's hard to sell her old things.


[01:51.42]n. 奥林匹克运动会;奥运会


[01:58.16]prep. 在…上;关于


[02:04.58]adv. 一次,一度,conj. 一旦

[02:10.43]Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days.

[02:14.86]once or twice she looked into her sister's book.


[02:24.62]n. 一


[02:28.23]adj. 在线的;联机的


[02:34.10]adv. 仅仅,只, adj. 唯一的,


[02:41.36]vt. 打开,张开 adj. 开着的,

[02:48.18]He opened the door to let him in.

[02:50.80]I would like to invite you to opening

[02:56.28]of our new library at No. 9 High School.


[03:05.18]adj. 相反的;n. [C]对立面;

[03:09.50]prep. 在…的对面 adv. 在对面


[03:15.62]conj. 或者;还是;否则


[03:23.56]n. [C]橘子,[U]橙色 adj. 橙红色的

[03:31.99]There are seven colours. They're red, orange,

[03:36.99]yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


[03:44.40]n. [C]顺序;命令 vt. 订购,

[03:49.28]He can understand me when I give him orders.


[03:57.47]pron. 别人;别的东西 adj. 别的,

[04:03.47]You can see swans and other wild birds on the lakes there.



[04:13.64]Our hometown has left many soft

[04:16.98]and sweet memories in our hearts.


[04:23.67]pron. 我们的


[04:26.77]pron. 我们自己


[04:30.36]adv. 离开,向外

[04:34.25]On these two days,

[04:36.65]American children often give gifts to their parents

[04:40.94]or take them out for lunch or dinner.


[04:46.79]adj.& adv. 外部的;n. 外面 prep. 在…外面

[04:53.13]Before I could join the others outside

[04:55.66]to see what was going on,

[04:57.86]the first plane had already hit my office building.


[05:05.98]prep. 在…上方;越过;adv. 翻转;

[05:12.23]I wonder if children over there also

[05:14.32]give similar gifts to their parents.


[05:21.86]adj. 自己的 vt. 拥有

[05:25.45]But when his water ran out,

[05:27.42]he knew that he would have

[05:29.78]to do something to save his own life.



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